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Digital Transformation 2025

Autumn Conference - Live & Streamed
Wednesday 25 September 2024 - 10:00 to 13:00 followed by networking lunch


Holiday Inn Regent’s Park, Carburton St, London W1W 5EE (nearest underground: Great Portland Street)

or at your home or office via Zoom

What actions should travel companies be taking to move forward with digital transformation in the coming year?

It was in 2011 that the term “digital transformation” was first coined by Capgemini in partnership with MIT. They defined digital transformation as using technology to improve performance or the business's reach radically.

Wikipedia defines digital transformation as the process of adoption and implementation of digital technology in order to create new or modify existing products, services and operations by the means of translating business processes into a digital format.

Of course, travel is just information at the point of sale and so the travel industry has always taken digitisation seriously, particularly with the advent of the Internet. However, the rate of change of technological development is ever accelerating. In this fast moving digital world, travel companies are potentially in danger of being left behind.

With this in mind, TTI has assembled a group of speakers who can talk about digital transformation based on their experiences and expertise. There are quick wins to be had as well as more transformational projects.

Our speakers have agreed to share their experiences and their thoughts on digital transformation so that you can benefit from their hard-won knowledge.

Attend TTI’s Autumn Conference and learn first hand about the key factors you need to address and the latest opportunities that are waiting to be grabbed as your business moves forward into an increasingly digital world.


  • Giora Feldman, Chief Technology Officer, Villa Plus

  • Guy Proddow, Director and Co-Founder, Golfbreaks

  • Maria Bondarenko, Vice President of Product, GP Solutions

  • Fergus Boyd, Digital Entrepreneur, (ex BA, Virgin Atlantic, YOTEL, Red Carnation)

  • Paul Henderson, Managing Director, Summon Digital


TTI wishes to thank the following for sponsoring this event

GP Solutions

Detailed Agenda

10:00 Welcome & TTI Update
Tim Wright, Chairman, TTI


10:10 Keynote: Practical Ways to Improve Business Efficiency (for DMCs and Tour Operators)
Maria Bondarenko, Vice President of Product, GP Solutions

GP Solutions has been aiding travel companies in achieving successful digital transformation for over 20 years. With 350+ IT professionals and 300+ clients across 35 countries, the organisation has built-up a high level of understanding of digital transformation projects. In this session, you will hear from GP Solution’s Product Director on practical ways to improve business efficiency.

10:30 Case study: Digital Transformation at Villa Plus
Giora Feldman, Chief Technology Officer, Villa Plus

When it comes to digital transformation, Villa Plus is one of the most go ahead travel companies. On the companies website, you will even find the Villa Plus Engineering Blog where the company’s engineers share their value-added solutions on cutting-edge technology. The collection of articles explores the fascinating work the company is doing and the knowledge the company’s engineers are eager to spread. In this session, you will hear from the company’s Chief Technology Officer about how Villa Plus has been tackling digital transformation.

10:50 Q&A Panel Session


11:05 Networking Coffee BreakQ&A Panel Session


11:35 Case Study: Harnessing Digital Marketing and Tech to Build an International Travel Business
Guy Proddow, Director and Co-Founder, Golfbreaks
For this session, Guy Proddow, Director and Co-Founder of Golfbreaks, will be in conversation with Paul Richer. Golfbreaks was formed in 1998. Now, from offices in the UK, US and Denmark, the company organises golf breaks, holidays and tournament experiences for more than 200,000 golfers, at over 2,000 resorts and golf courses worldwide, annually. In this session you will hear from one of Golfbreak’s Co-Founders about how the organisation has used digital marketing and operational technology to successfully grow the business and power the expansion into new markets.

11:55 Digital Transformation in the Airline and Hospitality Industry
Fergus Boyd, Digital Entrepreneur, (ex BA, Virgin Atlantic, YOTEL, Red Carnation)

In a career stretching back several decades, Fergus has built-up an incredible depth of experience working on digital projects for some of the best known names in the travel industry including British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Red Carnation Hotels and Yotel. In this session, Fergus will talk about the digital state of play within the airline and hospitality sectors.


12:15 Transform your Digital Marketing in 2025
Paul Henderson, Managing Director, Summon Digital

Digital marketing is one of the most essential activities for any travel organisation. Get it right and you are on the road to success. However, it has become increasingly complex across the years, making it difficult to get every element of your digital marketing strategy spot-on. Summon Digital’s Managing Director, Paul Henderson, has over 10 years of digital marketing experience. You will hear from Paul about how best to transform your digital marketing across the coming year.


12:35 Q&A Panel Session


12:55 Chairman’s Summary
Tim Wright, Chairman, TTI


13:00 Close followed by networking lunch

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