Why Standardised Touristic Locations?
Travellers need to find the right property in the right place. The issue is that suppliers use different names for the same geographic location. TTIplaces are aligned with how consumers search today. There are no predefined structures limiting which places a hotel can be found. With 1st screen relevance, customers only see properties relevant to the places they want to search. The improved user experience means less consumer frustration.
The problem - suppliers use different geographies

What are TTIplaces?
A TTIplace is a non hierarchical geo structures – a polygon defining any geographic area. A place can be part of another place. A place can overlap with another place. A place can be associated with another place. A place can have different names & spellings. Properties can belong to as many places as it fits. There are no restrictions on what types of places can be created.
Service Partner
As TTI is a standards body rather than a fulfilment organisation, it sought a service partner to deliver the TTIplaces services. It selected Vibe Systems Ltd as the ideal company for the task. Vibe is an innovative business creating smart, relevant and modern travel technology. Created in 2007, Vibe has grown from an in-house booking tool to a hugely successful technology platform, chosen by leading brands across global markets.
Key Points of TTIplaces
Places are created based upon map based polygons or shapes
Shapes (Places) are easily created & published on-line (approx. 20,000 places available today)
Places can be designated different types e.g. Country, Region, City, Resort, Landmark, Airport, POI, Post Code
Properties are automatically linked to all places where there geo positioning fits with that of the Place (shape)
Shapes can be re-drawn with properties automatically included or excluded depending upon shape boundary.
Each place has a primary name but can have other names that it is known by plus multilingual names
Pricing for TTIplaces
TTIplaces is an add-on product to TTIcodes. To discuss pricing please contact pete.hazel@tticodes.org
For More Information about TTIplaces
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